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And so we left London behind us (Ines’s Article on this is here) . . . The Chaos and the pulsating life were suddenly far away. The rental car purred comfortably along and you get more quickly accustomed to driving on the left than you would think. And the further West we drove the quieter and lonely it became. Rosemunde Pilcher - We are coming!
Ich gebe ehrlich zu, meine erste Reaktion auf Ines´ Idee, ein Moor in England zu besuchen, war zunächst eher verhalten. Ich dachte mir, ach was, Moore hab ich doch auch zu Hause. Ok, das war etwas sehr kurzsichtig. Und meine Meinung hat schnell, nein extrem schnell geändert, als ich im Vorfeld beim Erkunden unserer möglichen Fotospots in England die Bilder von Dartmoor im Internet gesehen habe. Das Ganze wurde von einem „vielleicht“ ziemlich schnell in ein „muss unbedingt sein“ umgewandelt. Denn dieses Moor ist etwas ganz Besonders und hat eigentlich relativ wenig mit den Mooren in unseren Gefilden zu tun. Alleine schon die Größe und Weite ist unglaublich! Unglaublich schön!
I must admit, my first reaction to Ines’ Idea to visita Moor in England, was a little restrained. I thought to myself, you know what ,we have moors hereat home. Ok that may have been a little short sighted and i have to say my opinion changed quickly, actually extremely quickly, as I saw the pictures of Dartmoor in the internet as we were trying to plan our photography locations. The whole thing transformed very quickly from a “perhaps” to a “definitely have to”. This more is something special and has very little to do with the moors in our region. Alone the size and breadth is unbelievable! unbelievably beautiful!
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www.taghira.de |
Unfortunately, our time there was limited and allowed only a very short visit. Just long enough to give us an unforgettable sight of this mysterious place. The desire to return growing with every moment that we were there. Although this holds true for the whole region we saw. I have seldom had a holiday where I saw so many potential motifs and so much unbelievably beautiful scenery as in South England, and especially in Cornwall. But more about that in the next article. . . One Afternoon and one morning we were able to stay in Dartmoor. As you are driving along the sometimes very narrow lanes, you keep getting the feeling that time has somehow stood still. A wonderful feeling in this time that is marked by hectic and its fast pace.
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www.taghira.de |
In order to give the whole visit a real English touch we started with “Two cream teas and Tea for Two” in Two Bridges . . . Two Bridges is a place which consist almost entirely out of two bridges (no surprises there!) and one hotel, in which we were allowed to enjoy the above “Cream Tea”. Here we were able to observe nearly all the English clichés that there are ;-) Amazing. And Two Bridges is the starting point to get to one of the most unbelievable and impressive Woods that I have ever seen . . . Wistman’s Wood.
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Wistman’S Wood is not very big, however when you are in the wood you immediately get the feeling that you somehow have been taken up by it. A feeling that is hard to describe. Mysterious myths entwine this wood, that I, despite being a reasonably realistic person, was prepared to believe immediately. Every noise is lost in the wood and you expect every moment that harry Potter, or a goblin or Hobbit will appear from behind every bent and gnarled tree. We were also lucky enough to be almost alone while we were there, which of course only increased these feelings of remoteness. You see how realistic and how unbelievable nature can be. That we had a deep fog and drizzle only added to the atmosphere and I have to say it took quite a while before I was able get hold of myself and to begin photographing. But then . . .
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www.taghira.de |
Am nächsten Morgen war der Nebel komplett verschwunden und uns war ein schöner Sonnenaufgang vergönnt. Auch wenn wir mangels Zeit für Location Suche zuerst etwas planlos morgens um 5.30h im Dunklen herum gefahren sind, haben wir trotzdem ein nettes Plätzchen gefunden und die Dartmoor Pferde und Schafe leisteten uns brav Gesellschaft....
Our hotel for the night gave me a feeling of travelling back in time. The similarity to a knight’s room could not be denied, this included the four poster bed, brocade curtains and a porcelain bedpan. Somehow strange but great fun. The perfect place for a ‘Murder Mystery’ or Hitchcock film.
The next morning the fog had disappeared and we were treated to a wonderful sunrise. Despite the fact that we had driven around relatively aimlessly in the dark at 5:30 in the morning since we hadn’t really had time to find any locations, we managed to find a nice little area where the wheel behaved Dartmoor horses and sheep kept us company . . .
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Ein letztes Foto möchte ich gerne noch zeigen, es ist zwar nicht in Dartmoor entstanden, aber es zeigt den Charakter der Ortschaften in Cornwall doch sehr gut.
Yes, our time on Dartmoor was much to short, an area which actually offers virtually limitless photographic opportunities. However, since the wish to return here again became stronger with each passing day, I am sure that we will plan more time for Dartmoor. Who knows which goblin, gnome, fairy or witch you will meet there, you can image almost anything. ;-)
I want to show one last photo, it was actually not taken on Dartmoor but it shows very well the character of Cornwall.
Die Landschaft in Südengland hat viele Gesichter und Facetten - und die Küste ist ein wunderschöner Teil davon. Davon aber mehr im nächsten Artikel von Ines....
liebe Grüße
Und hier sind alle England Artikel in der Übersicht zum Nachlesen:
Südengland Tour Teil 1: Streets Of London - Zwei Tage, Zwei Nächte
Südengland Tour Teil 2: Dartmoor - mystisch und wunderschön
Südengland Tour Teil 3: Cornwall - see you again...
Südengland Tour Teil 4: Die Küste Südenglands
Yes, our time on Dartmoor was much to short, an area which actually offers virtually limitless photographic opportunities. However, since the wish to return here again became stronger with each passing day, I am sure that we will plan more time for Dartmoor. Who knows which goblin, gnome, fairy or witch you will meet there, you can image almost anything. ;-)
I want to show one last photo, it was actually not taken on Dartmoor but it shows very well the character of Cornwall.
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www.taghira.de |
liebe Grüße
Und hier sind alle England Artikel in der Übersicht zum Nachlesen:
Südengland Tour Teil 1: Streets Of London - Zwei Tage, Zwei Nächte
Südengland Tour Teil 2: Dartmoor - mystisch und wunderschön
Südengland Tour Teil 3: Cornwall - see you again...
Südengland Tour Teil 4: Die Küste Südenglands
The scenery of South England has many faces and facets and the coast is a wonderful part of this. More about this in the next article from Ines . . .
Loving Greetings
Here you can read all the articles:
South England Tour Part 1: Streets of London - Two days and Two nights
South England Tour Part 2: Dartmoor - Mysterious and beautiful
South England Tour part 3: Cornwall - See you again . . .
South England Tour Part 4: The South West Coast of England
Many thanks to Mark Ford for the translation!
wunderbare Bilder, die Landschaft ist einfach total schön!
AntwortenLöschenIch bin gerade dabei für nächstes Jahr zu schauen wo es für uns hingehen könnte, Outer Hebrides am liebsten Isle of Lewis... sowas in die Richtung.