Gemeinsam mit Tanja verbrachte ich Ende August / Anfang September einige unvergesslicheTage in Südengland. In den folgenden Wochen werden wir abwechselnd über verschiedene Regionen und Eindrücke posten. Es lohnt sich also dran zu bleiben.
with Tanja, I spend several unforgettable days at the end of
August/beginning of September in South England. In the following weeks
we will post our impressions of the area, so it will pay to keep looking
Eigentlich war unsere Englandtour natürlich schwerpunktmäßig auf die Landschaftsfotografie, auf die Küsten und Moore Südenglands ausgelegt. Aber wenn man in London Heathrow landet und wie ich noch nie in London war, dann kann man sich diese Stadt natürlich nicht entgehen lassen. Eine Stadt, die mich wie das Land allgemein schwer beeindruckt hat und die ich bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal besucht habe.
Als Naturfotografin mit Leib und Seele ist mir die Stadtfotografie eher fremd und London ist natürlich auch schon millionenfach fotografiert worden.
Aber die Fotoausrüstung im Hotel lassen, das geht natürlich auch nicht. Also sind doch einige Fotos entstanden. Aber wohin als erstes? Da fallen einem natürlich all die berühmten Dinge ein, die Bauwerke, die Parks und all die Touristenmagneten. Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Big Ben usw.
Ok., unser erster Weg führte uns nach Notting Hill. Notting Hill, dieser beschauliche Stadtteil von London, mit schönen Häusern, mit kleinen Geschäften wo man immer denkt Hugh Grant kommt gleich um die Ecke...
Of course, the main emphasis of our England Tour was landscape
photography and in particular the coastline and moors of South West
England. However, if you fly in to Heathrow and have never been to
London then it would be a crime to not visit the city. A city, that
just like the country itself, impressed me deeply and which I surely
have not visited for the last time.
As a passionate nature photographer street photography is for me somewhat off the beaten track and of course London has been photographed a million times before. That said, leaving the camera equipment in the hotel room was out of the question and a few images were indeed captured. But where to, first? One imagines immediately all the most famous things, the monuments, the parks and the tourist attractions: Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Big Ben etc. Ok. our first path led to Notting Hill. Notting Hill, this serene and peaceful district of London, with its beautiful houses, the small shops, where one always feels that Hugh Grant will just come strolling round the corner . . .
As a passionate nature photographer street photography is for me somewhat off the beaten track and of course London has been photographed a million times before. That said, leaving the camera equipment in the hotel room was out of the question and a few images were indeed captured. But where to, first? One imagines immediately all the most famous things, the monuments, the parks and the tourist attractions: Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Big Ben etc. Ok. our first path led to Notting Hill. Notting Hill, this serene and peaceful district of London, with its beautiful houses, the small shops, where one always feels that Hugh Grant will just come strolling round the corner . . .
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Beschaulich? Normalerweise ist das gewiss so. Allerdings nicht am letzten Augustwochenende, da findet der Notting Hill Carnival statt, eine Massenveranstaltung wo wir uns mittendrin wiederfanden.
Inmitten tausender Menschen. Inmitten von Umzügen, tanzenden Menschen, großen Eimern mit Schokolade mit deren Inhalt Passanten bemalt wurden, jeder Menge Alkohol und auch nicht ganz so legalen Substanzen wo man schon beim Vorbeigehen und einatmen etwas high wurde ;-) und einem wahnsinnigen Trubel.
and peaceful? Normally you would think so, but not on the last Weekend
in August, since that is when the Notting Hill Carnival takes place, a
massive event that we just happened to walk right into the middle of.
In the midst of thousands of people. In the midst of carnival floats,
dancing people, large buckets of chocolate whose contents were used to
paint passers-by, large quantities of alcohol and other not quite so
legal substances from which you got just a little high ;-) simply by
walking past and breathing in and an unbelievable chaos.
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A good opportunity to do a little street photography. A type of photography that I have never before looked into. Tanja had however already some experience and with her motivation and guidance I had a lot of fun and was able, in the end, to capture a few fleeting moments of this mad afternoon.
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Aber auch das klassische London solte nicht zu kurz kommen und ausgestattet mit einer Oyster card, einer sehr empfehlenswerten Möglichkeit die Nahverkehrsmittel in London zu benutzen, fuhren wir meist mit der U-Bahn um all die interessanten Plätze aufzusuchen.
We had a lot of fun and it was a very special way to experience London, we didn’t plan it this way but it was hilarious. But the classical side of London should not be forgotten and armed with an Oyster Card, a highly recommended way to use the pubic transport in London, we searched out with the Underground alle the most interesting places.
We had a lot of fun and it was a very special way to experience London, we didn’t plan it this way but it was hilarious. But the classical side of London should not be forgotten and armed with an Oyster Card, a highly recommended way to use the pubic transport in London, we searched out with the Underground alle the most interesting places.
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Für mich am eindrücklichsten an dieser Stadt ist diese Kombination von Tradition und modern, die vielen Menschen, die vielen Touristen, die ehrwürdigen Bauwerke, die Weltoffenheit..., all das und noch viel mehr.
For me the thing which impressed me most was the mix of the traditional and modern, the throng of people and tourists, the venerable monuments, the cosmopolitanism, all that and so much more besides.
For me the thing which impressed me most was the mix of the traditional and modern, the throng of people and tourists, the venerable monuments, the cosmopolitanism, all that and so much more besides.
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Und die Freundlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft der Menschen. Wobei das für alle von uns bereisten Regionen gilt. Ich war noch in keinem Land in dem die Menschen derart höflich, freundlich und stets hilfsbereit waren. Sehr cool! :-)
Sich im Herzen von London aufzuhalten und die Tower Bridge vor Augen zu haben, das ist schon ein tolles Gefühl.
Everybody was so friendly and helpful. Actually that can be said about all the areas we visited. I have never been in a country where the people were so polite, friendly and always helpful. Very Cool! :-)
To find oneself in the centre of London and to have Tower Bridge before your very eyes is a special feeling.
Everybody was so friendly and helpful. Actually that can be said about all the areas we visited. I have never been in a country where the people were so polite, friendly and always helpful. Very Cool! :-)
To find oneself in the centre of London and to have Tower Bridge before your very eyes is a special feeling.
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However to stand in the middle of Tower Bridge to take pictures is a little bit more exciting. ;-)
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Eines der Wahrzeichen, das "London Eye" sieht man von ganz vielen Orten aus und insbesondere bei Nacht ist das ein sehr schöner Anblick.
One of the Landmarks, the “London Eye” can be seen from many locations and especially at night it is a wonderful site.
One of the Landmarks, the “London Eye” can be seen from many locations and especially at night it is a wonderful site.
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Und egal wie oft das alles schon fotografiert wurde, es geht einfach nicht, da nicht ab und zu auf den Auslöser zu drücken und so landeten ein paar der Londoner Sehenswürdigkeiten auf unseren Speicherkarten.
And however much they have already been photographed, it is simply not possible to press every now and then on the shutter button and to slowly collect a few of the London Sites on the memory cards.
And however much they have already been photographed, it is simply not possible to press every now and then on the shutter button and to slowly collect a few of the London Sites on the memory cards.
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Wenn mich vorher jemand gefragt hätte was ich alles mit London verbinde, dann hätte ich neben den vielen Bauwerken ganz sicher als erstes auch die roten Busse und die Telefonzellen genannt.
Und es ist tatsächlich sehr schön diese roten Farbtupfer allgegenwärtig im Stadtbild zu sehen.
If somebody had asked me in advance what I associate with London, then I am sure I would have said, aside from all the monuments, all the red busses and the red telephone boxes. And in the end it is really wonderful seeing this swathe of red to be so present in the London landscape.
If somebody had asked me in advance what I associate with London, then I am sure I would have said, aside from all the monuments, all the red busses and the red telephone boxes. And in the end it is really wonderful seeing this swathe of red to be so present in the London landscape.
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Wir haben in den 1,5 Tagen welche uns zur Verfügung standen jede Menge von London gesehen, wir waren im King's Cross, diesem Bahnhof mit "Platform 9 3/4" den seit Harry Potter jeder kennt,...
We saw an awful lot of London in the one and half days that were available to us, We were in King’s Cross, the Station with “Platform 9 3/4” that everybody knows from Harry Potter . . .
We saw an awful lot of London in the one and half days that were available to us, We were in King’s Cross, the Station with “Platform 9 3/4” that everybody knows from Harry Potter . . .
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...bei Harrods, in einigen der Parks und an vielen berühmten und weniger berühmten Plätzen. Wir haben im St. James’s Park die Squirrel gefüttert, mit Blick auf die Tower Bridge einen Kaffee getrunken, am Piccadilly Circus uns zwischen all den Autos durchgekämpft und viele schöne Erlebnisse gehabt in dieser tollen Stadt.
London, we come back!
. . . in Harrods, in a couple of the parks and in many famous and less famous places. We fed a squirrel in St. James’ Park. We drank coffee whilst overlooking Tower Bridge. In Piccadilly Circus we fought our way throughout the cars and many other such brilliant experiences. London, we come back!
. . . in Harrods, in a couple of the parks and in many famous and less famous places. We fed a squirrel in St. James’ Park. We drank coffee whilst overlooking Tower Bridge. In Piccadilly Circus we fought our way throughout the cars and many other such brilliant experiences. London, we come back!
Aber das eigentliche Ziel unserer Englandtour waren ja die Küsten und Moore Südenglands. Devon, Dorset und Cornwall warteten auf uns. Hier berichtet Tanja über Dartmoor. Soviel kann ich schon jetzt verraten, Dartmoor ist eine wahnsinnig spannende Region und jede Menge toller Bilder warten auf euch.
Also unbedingt lesen...
However, the actual objective of our England Tour was the Coastline and Moors of South West England. Devon, Dorset and Cornwall was waiting for us. Here Tanja reports about Dartmoor and this much i can reveal now: Dartmoor is an unbelievably fascinating area and an awful lot of great pictures are waiting for you. So read on . . .
However, the actual objective of our England Tour was the Coastline and Moors of South West England. Devon, Dorset and Cornwall was waiting for us. Here Tanja reports about Dartmoor and this much i can reveal now: Dartmoor is an unbelievably fascinating area and an awful lot of great pictures are waiting for you. So read on . . .
Many thanks to Mark Ford for translation!
Hier alle Artikel zum lesen:
Here you can read all the articles:
Südengland Tour Teil 4: Die Küste Südenglands | The South West Coast of England
Many thanks to Mark Ford for translation!
Hier alle Artikel zum lesen:
Here you can read all the articles:
Südengland Tour Teil 1: Streets Of London - Zwei Tage, Zwei Nächte | Streets Of London - Two Days, Two Nights
Südengland Tour Teil 2: Dartmoor - mystisch und wunderschön | Dartmoor - Mysterious and beautiful
Tour Teil 3: Cornwall- see you again...
Südengland Tour Teil 4: Die Küste Südenglands | The South West Coast of England
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