Nachdem ich ja hier einiges über unseren Londonaufenthalt berichtet habe, und nachdem Tanja hier über Dartmoor berichtet hat, geht es jetzt von meiner
Seite weiter mit der Küstenlandschaft. Die südenglische Küste hat einen
Charme und eine Einzigartigkeit welcher wir uns nicht entziehen konnten
und welche uns rundum begeistert hat.
After reporting here about our stay in London and Tanja for her part reported about Dartmoor, it is now my turn to take about the coastal landscape. The South West coast of England has a charm and uniqueness which we just had to see and which had us totally hooked.
After reporting here about our stay in London and Tanja for her part reported about Dartmoor, it is now my turn to take about the coastal landscape. The South West coast of England has a charm and uniqueness which we just had to see and which had us totally hooked.
Die sanften Hügellandschaften von Cornwall,die felsigen Küsten, die
Weitläufigkeit dieser Landschaft, die Farben und die Stimmung sind
einfach faszinierend und nur schwer in Worte zu fassen.
The rolling hills of Cornwall, the vast extent of this landscape the colours and the atmosphere are simply fascinating und actually difficult to capture in words.
The rolling hills of Cornwall, the vast extent of this landscape the colours and the atmosphere are simply fascinating und actually difficult to capture in words.
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Hinzu kommen die Freundlichkeit der Menschen, die Hilfsbereitschaft und das schöne British English.
Eine Region die mich in jeder Hinsicht begeistert hat und deren
Schönheit mir zwar vorher bekannt war, aber dennoch alle Erwartungen
übertroffen hat.
Added to this is the friendliness of the people, their helpfulness and the wonderful British English. A region that enthrals me totally and of whose beauty I was already aware, and yet it still managed to exceed all expectations.
Added to this is the friendliness of the people, their helpfulness and the wonderful British English. A region that enthrals me totally and of whose beauty I was already aware, and yet it still managed to exceed all expectations.
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Ein Land welches mich insgesamt begeistert hat. O.K., eine kulinarische
Empfehlung würde ich vielleicht nicht aussprechen. ;-) Wobei wir zweimal
wirklich richtig lecker gegessen haben. :-) Bemerkenswert fand ich die
Tatsache, dass England das vegetarierfreundlichste Land ist welches ich
bisher kennengelernt habe, insbesondere die Kennzeichnung von
Lebensmitteln mit den „V-Symbolen“ ist vorbildlich und viel besser als in
Deutschland. An das Frühstück (welches es auch in vegetarischer
Variante gibt) werde ich mich allerdings nie gewöhnen, die vielen Eier
und die Beans am Morgen finde ich etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. Aber
Toast, Butter, Marmelade und Cornflakes gibt es immer auch und deshalb
war das auch eher eine Randnotiz. Und wir waren ja eh auch nicht zum Essen da sondern wegen der einzigartigen Landschaft.
Unser erster Kontakt zum Meer war Osmington Mills in Dorset.
Bemerkenswert die leuchtend grünen Steine welche sofort ins Auge fallen.
A country about which I could be totally excited. O.K. a recommendation about the cuisine would perhaps not cross my lips. ;-) Although we ate some quite tasty dishes. :-) Remarkable to me was the fact that England is the most vegetarian friendly country i have ever visited, especially the labelling of the food with the “V-Symbol” is exemplary and much better than in Germany. Perhaps i would never get used to the Breakfast (which also could be vegetarian), all those eggs and beans, but at least there was always plenty of toast, butter, marmalade and Cornflakes and so this was more something of an aside. And of course we weren’t here to eat but because of the unique landscape. Our first contact with the sea was at Osmington Mills in Dorset. Particularly striking were the luminous green stones which you notice almost immediately.
A country about which I could be totally excited. O.K. a recommendation about the cuisine would perhaps not cross my lips. ;-) Although we ate some quite tasty dishes. :-) Remarkable to me was the fact that England is the most vegetarian friendly country i have ever visited, especially the labelling of the food with the “V-Symbol” is exemplary and much better than in Germany. Perhaps i would never get used to the Breakfast (which also could be vegetarian), all those eggs and beans, but at least there was always plenty of toast, butter, marmalade and Cornflakes and so this was more something of an aside. And of course we weren’t here to eat but because of the unique landscape. Our first contact with the sea was at Osmington Mills in Dorset. Particularly striking were the luminous green stones which you notice almost immediately.
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Die Jurassic Coast ist aber auch sagenhaft schön. Die steinigen Strände,
die Steilküste, das blaue Meer und die weißen Steine die überall zu
sehen sind.
The Jurassic Coast is fabulously beautiful. The stony beaches, the steep shorelines, the blue sea and the white stones that you see simply everywhere.
The Jurassic Coast is fabulously beautiful. The stony beaches, the steep shorelines, the blue sea and the white stones that you see simply everywhere.
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Zum Teil muss man einige steile Pfade bewältigen um an die schönen Plätze zu gelangen.
Das bedeutet mit dem schweren Fotorucksack (man muss ja für alles
vorbereitet sein) zunächst steil bergab um nach dem Fotografieren die
gleiche Strecke wieder retour zu gehen.
Aber jeder Schritt davon lohnt sich und insbesondere am Morgen hat man
wenn man Glück hat einen weitläufigen Steinstrand fast für sich allein.
Sometimes you have to conquer steep paths in order to get to the best places. This means that with a heavy photography bag (you have to be prepared for everything) initially climbing down precariously steep paths only to have to clamber back up them when you have finished. But every step is worthwhile and especially in the morning, if you are lucky, you have fast expanses of shoreline all to yourself.
Sometimes you have to conquer steep paths in order to get to the best places. This means that with a heavy photography bag (you have to be prepared for everything) initially climbing down precariously steep paths only to have to clamber back up them when you have finished. But every step is worthwhile and especially in the morning, if you are lucky, you have fast expanses of shoreline all to yourself.
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Durdle Door ist vermutlich einer der meistfotografierten und
bekanntesten Felsen in der Region und war natürlich eine Art
Durdle Door is probably one of the most photographed and well known rock formations in the area and was of course a ‘duty call’.
Durdle Door is probably one of the most photographed and well known rock formations in the area and was of course a ‘duty call’.
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Wobei ich die Steilküste direkt daneben und die
kleinen „Inselchen“ im Meer fast noch reizvoller zum fotografieren fand.
Whereas, I actually found the Steep coastline directly next to it and the little island in the sea almost more appealing as a motif.
Whereas, I actually found the Steep coastline directly next to it and the little island in the sea almost more appealing as a motif.
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Und die vielen Steine über die immer wieder die Wellen spülten, die hatten es mir auch angetan.
And the many stones over which the waves washed again and again, captured my imagination.
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Eine unserer Stationen war die Whitsand Bay in Cornwall. An diesem Abend
wollten wir uns mit einem englischen Sigmafotografen treffen. Mit Lea Tippett erlebten wir einen phantastischen Abend mit einem wunderschönen
One port of call was Whitsand Bay in Cornwall. That evening we wanted to meet an English Sigma Photographer. With Lea Tippett we experienced a fantastic evening with a wonderful light.
One port of call was Whitsand Bay in Cornwall. That evening we wanted to meet an English Sigma Photographer. With Lea Tippett we experienced a fantastic evening with a wonderful light.
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Eine wunderbare Begegnung und ein paar unvergessliche Stunden am Meer.
A truly spectacular meeting and a few unforgettable hours by the sea.
A truly spectacular meeting and a few unforgettable hours by the sea.
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Danke Lea für die schöne Zeit und Danke für dieses schöne Foto von mir.
Thank you Lea for the wonderful time and thank you for the lovely picture of me.
Thank you Lea for the wonderful time and thank you for the lovely picture of me.
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Das einzige Mal, dass wir direkt bei Sonnenuntergang die Flut hatten, was
zwar einerseits immer wieder für nasse Füße, einsinkende Stativbeine
und kurze Adrenalinstöße sorgte, aber andererseits auch sehr schöne
Fotomöglichkeiten ergab.
The only time, that we had high tide at sunset. This, on the one side, led to repeatedly wet feet, tripod legs sinking in the sand and regular pulses of adrenalin, but also to stunning photographic opportunities.
The only time, that we had high tide at sunset. This, on the one side, led to repeatedly wet feet, tripod legs sinking in the sand and regular pulses of adrenalin, but also to stunning photographic opportunities.
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Wenn man Zeit hat, dann sollte man die englische Südküste auch einmal
von oben erkunden. Man wird belohnt mit wunderschönen Aussichten, mit
sanften Hügeln und alten Steinen, man begegnet Pferden und findet immer wieder neuen Perspektiven und
If you get chance you really should explore the South West Coast of England. You will be rewarded with beautiful sights, with rolling hills and ancient stones. You will meet horses and will keep finding new views and perspectives.
If you get chance you really should explore the South West Coast of England. You will be rewarded with beautiful sights, with rolling hills and ancient stones. You will meet horses and will keep finding new views and perspectives.
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Lea hat uns viele gute Tipps für unsere Tour gegeben und viele Hinweise
zu Orten die wir aufsuchen können. Der Name eines Ortes fiel dabei immer
wieder: „Porth Nanven“.
Eigentlich viel zu weit weg, eigentlich viel zu weit im Westen,
eigentlich hatten wir noch so viele andere Ideen, eigentlich würde
unsere Zeit nicht für alles reichen…
Also auf nach Porth Nanven!
Lea gave us many good tips and many recommendations to places that we could find. The name of one place cropped up again and again: “Porth Naven”. Actually much too far away, much to far west, actually we had so many other ideas, actually we wouldn’t have time . . . So, off to Porth Naven!
Lea gave us many good tips and many recommendations to places that we could find. The name of one place cropped up again and again: “Porth Naven”. Actually much too far away, much to far west, actually we had so many other ideas, actually we wouldn’t have time . . . So, off to Porth Naven!
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Diesen Ort mit Worten zu beschreiben ist unheimlich schwer. Ein Wort fällt mir immer wieder dazu ein: „magic“.
Porth Nanven ist ein Ort den man in sich aufsaugt und von dem man aufgesaugt wird. Nicht nur die visuellen Eindrücke sind faszinierend und
eindrucksvoll, dieser Ort berührt alle Sinne.
Der Atlantik der mit kraftvollen Wellen immer wieder die Felsen und die
Küste in Besitz nimmt, das Getose des Wassers, die großen Steine die von
der Abendsonne beschienen werden.
To describe this place in words is extremely difficult, but one word comes readily to mind: “Magic”. Porth Naven is a place that you simply absorb and by which you are absorbed. its not just the visual impressions that are both fascinating and impressive - all of the senses are touched. The Atlantic, which with ever strong sweeping waves reclaims the rocks and coastline for itself, the roar of the ocean and the massive rocks which are bathed in the evening sunlight.
To describe this place in words is extremely difficult, but one word comes readily to mind: “Magic”. Porth Naven is a place that you simply absorb and by which you are absorbed. its not just the visual impressions that are both fascinating and impressive - all of the senses are touched. The Atlantic, which with ever strong sweeping waves reclaims the rocks and coastline for itself, the roar of the ocean and the massive rocks which are bathed in the evening sunlight.
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Und die vorgelagerte Felsgruppe welche seit Ewigkeiten in dieser Brandung steht und nachdem die Sonne untergegangen ist als unverwechselbare Silhouette im Meer sichtbar bleibt.
And the Rock formations which sweep across the foreground having withstood this surge for an eternity, and which, after the sun has set, remain as a distinctive silhouette in the sea.
And the Rock formations which sweep across the foreground having withstood this surge for an eternity, and which, after the sun has set, remain as a distinctive silhouette in the sea.
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Auch weit nach Sonnenuntergang zaubert das Meer immer wieder neue Motive und erst die fast völlige Dunkelheit konnte uns dazu bewegen mit fotografieren aufzuhören.
Even after sunset the sea conjures up new motifs and only when it is finally totally dark can you consider stopping taking pictures.
Even after sunset the sea conjures up new motifs and only when it is finally totally dark can you consider stopping taking pictures.
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Nach UK, nach Cornwall und nach Porth Nanven.
Porth Naven is one of the most striking places that I have ever visited in my life and I am quite convinced that I will return there again (in hopefully the not to distant future). Back to the UK, back to Cornwall, back to Porth Naven.
Cornwall, see you again...
Nächste Woche geht es an der Stelle weiter, Tanja wird hier weiterberichten.
Next week we will continue with Tanjas final instalment
Many thanks to Mark Ford for translation!
Hier alle Artikel zum lesen:
Here you can read all the articles:
Südengland Tour Teil 1: Streets Of London - Zwei Tage, Zwei Nächte | Streets Of London - Two Days, Two Nights
Südengland Tour Teil 2: Dartmoor - mystisch und wunderschön | Dartmoor - Mysterious and beautiful
Tour Teil 3: Cornwall- see you again...
Südengland Tour Teil 4: Die Küste Südenglands | The South West Coast of England
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