Küste, Küste, Küste....ja davon hat England wahrlich viel. In allen Varianten und atemberaubend schön. Dramatische und kaum erreichbare Steilküsten, kilometerlange Sandstrände, Kiesstrände, unwirkliche Steinformationen in allen erdenklichen Erscheinungen... die Vielfalt scheint unerschöpflich und lässt einem immer wieder den Atem stocken. Und je weiter wir nach Cornwall kamen, desto beeindruckter waren wir...
Coast, Shore, Cliff and Cove . . . yes England has truly many. In every variation and always breathtakingly beautiful. Dramatic and hardly reachable cliffs, kilometres of sandy beaches, pebble beaches, fantastic rock formations of every possible appearance . . . the diversity appears inexhaustible and never stops taking your breath away. And the further into Cornwall we went the more impressive it became...
Coast, Shore, Cliff and Cove . . . yes England has truly many. In every variation and always breathtakingly beautiful. Dramatic and hardly reachable cliffs, kilometres of sandy beaches, pebble beaches, fantastic rock formations of every possible appearance . . . the diversity appears inexhaustible and never stops taking your breath away. And the further into Cornwall we went the more impressive it became...